‘Choi Ritu’ is a celebration of six seasons of Bengali summer (Grisma), Rain (Barsa), Autumn (Sarat), Late-Autumn (Hemanta), Winter (Sheat) and Spring (Basanta). The collection is inspired by the personal narrative of Nowshin’s childhood experiences in each season focusing on food and festivals. It is a joyous gathering of abstracted shapes, patterns, and colour in design from objects, paintings, and experimentation of different dying processes using natural materials.
The project features a variety of exciting reversible Dobby and Jacquard fabrics of different weights for fashion, made from silk. The purpose of the fabric being reversible increases its functionality to avoid changing wardrobe every season. The application of different weights fabrics through layering allows easy flow from day to night throughout all seasons. Giving a sustainable trans-seasonal purpose to the fabrics.